Don’t do what you love….yup. I said it.

Don’t do what you love. Do this instead...

Don’t do what you love. Yes, I said it.

Don’t do what you love, but rather PURSUE what you love.

Then, allow that love to pull you through the hardest times.

If you only do what you love, and you allow that to be your compass, you will change your course often.

Especially when things get tough.

You won’t push through the hard times.

You will be disappointed in yourself as you deviate from your end goal.

It will be easy to be lead astray by chasing comfort and what feels good for the moment. Anything worth having is going to have a high cost to it.

Greatness is expensive and mediocre is cheaper than cheap.

That’s exactly why greatness is celebrated and mediocre is common.

Determine today that you want to live the life of greatness you're meant for, in whatever it is that you love. Then, come to grips with the reality it will have a cost, and rejoice because you know it will be worth it.

Verses to digest:

“choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin.”

Hebrews 11:25

Your next steps:

Identify what goals get you out of bed.

What do you want to do in life?

Then imagine "a moment" you want to live in relation to that dream.

For me and my music goals, the moment is standing on stage in another country, on a world tour performing my songs.

Then, take time to reverse engineer the steps it will take to reach that goal  and to live that moment. Yes, work backwards and write down the steps.  

If that desire in you is high enough, it will pull you through the hardest moments leading up to it. For example:

Do you want to be a black belt in martial arts?

Do you want to be a teacher of your own classroom?

Do you want to be a Mom or Dad?

Do you want to travel the world doing music like me?

To reach these dreams, don’t do what you love.

PURSUE what you love, and only let God stop you.

All love,


Kyle LoweryComment