Problems: Mountain or moon?

We face problems in life.

Some within our control, others out of our control.

It’s key that we focus on facing and solving the problems we can tackle, and trust God to handle the ones we can’t reach ourselves. 

To do this, I place any problem I face in one of two categories. 

I have “mountain problems” and I have “moon problems”. 

It was a sunny day in Las Vegas, and I was walking around a local mountain that attracts many hikers. It was an afternoon where I could see the moon during the day time. I would look up at the mountain peak, and behind it the blue blanket of the sky, I could see the powdery white moon, forever out of reach. That’s where this concept was born.

I knew at any moment I could climb that mountain and make it to the top if I set my mind to it. But, I knew that if I wanted to land on the moon, that wasn’t in the cards that day by any stretch. 

Verses to consider:

Your next steps:

Allow God to be your strength as you face the mountain problems in your day, and trust Him to handle all of the moon problems in your day.

This little mental trick will help you eliminate unnecessary stress and worry. It will help save you a lot of time because you won’t be focused on trying to reach the moon, when you should be focused on climbing a mountain instead. It’s not easy surrendering when we don’t know how to solve a problem that isn’t in our control.

But, it’s in that surrender and trust that faith comes in and bridges the gap. You need to leave room for God to step in and be God. He is the one who created the mountains and moons afterall.

Much love,



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