Talk To Strangers

Everyone you know, was at one point a stranger. 

Your closest friends. Your loved ones. Everyone, was at one point someone you knew nothing about. We start at zero percent knowledge of everyone we encounter. We rob ourselves when we refuse to reach out and get to know others. But over time, we can lose sight of that, and lose the desire to be as social as we once were. 

Here’s a life quote that helps me stay motivated to still step out of my comfort zone and meet new people: 

Some of my greatest adventures in life will start with, “Hello, my name is Kyle, what’s your name?” 

I can’t tell you how many friendships I couldn’t imagine my life without. 

The most important ones are painful to think about losing. 

It’s a crazy thought, but if I had never had taken initiative to start conversation with these people, they probably would not be in my life. 

Verses to consider:




Your next steps:

Make a new friend today. 

Introduce yourself to someone you’ve never met before.

Give them the benefit of the doubt, don’t write them off, and see where it goes.

You might just find yourself pleasantly surprised. You might even gain a faithful friend for life. 

Much love,


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