It’s all mental.
Your mind should be a city of peace, so make your thoughts show their ID when they come to the city gate.
Yes, your mind has a boarder around it, to protect your well-being.
Your peace.
If there are thoughts that show up, make them show their ID to make sure they are truthful thoughts, and not thoughts rooted in lies.
If they are lies, they don’t have the credentials to enter your mind.
If they are truthful, then their identity will line up with your God-given identity.
Many thoughts of all kinds bombard the walls of your mind every day.
Just because they knock, doesn’t mean you must let them in.
Verses to consider:
Thought captive
Romans 12:1-2
Philippians 4:8
Your next steps:
Determine what types of thoughts should be allowed to enter your mind, and which thoughts should be denied access to your mind.
Don’t be afraid if bad thoughts show up.
Don’t be afraid to dismiss them and command them to leave if they are already there. It’s your responsibility to monitor your thoughts, but that is great news because that means you have the power of choice when it comes to the thoughts you choose to entertain and keep around.
People unfortunately buy the lie that they can’t control what they think about. Now, like I said, thoughts are sneaky and stubborn, so you might need to get tough with some of them. But remember, in reality, you do have the ability to keep your mind in order, by making sure good thoughts can enter and thrive and bad thoughts don’t get to come in at all.
Take mental inventory today.
Remove the thoughts that don’t belong and allow the thoughts that do belong the freedom to thrive in your mind.
We are what we think.
It’s so crucial to not be passive when it comes to what you think about most.
They weren’t lying when they said, “It’s all mental.”
Much love,