Enjoy The View

Every person is born at the base of their own mountain.

The decisions you make are yours and yours alone.

You have to deal with the consequences of each one.

Every turn.

Every step.

Every crossroad.

You were born to climb this mountain and it's no one else’s.

It’s yours.

One beautiful thing about this mountain is there are views along the way up, even if you aren’t on the summit. 

I want to encourage you to do two things with today’s entry: 

  1. Enjoy the view.

  2. Don’t let others distract your climb.

Every moment you climb, you can pause and take in the scenery. Mountains have endless views to enjoy, not just from the summit.

You will be tempted to compare your climb to others and their mountains.

Don’t get caught up on other people, thinking to yourself as you climb,

“I wonder how they’re climbing their mountain?”

“I wonder if they like the way I’m climbing mine?”

“I wonder what they're doing right now?”

These thoughts will only cloud the views of your mountain journey.

They will distract your climb.

It's up to you what you focus on.

Verses to digest:

10 For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ.

Galatians 1:10

Your Next Steps:

On this mountain, excuses are not a luxury you get to enjoy.

Keep those off the table. 

Don’t let yourself go there. 

Fight the urge today to say things like, 

“Well, that person is more successful because…..” 

Or “Well easy for you to say, you have….” 

Or even “Oh if I only had…..then I would make it happen.”

Don’t blame others.

They're not on your mountain.

On this mountain you have to own where you are.

You have to also own where you are going.

Focus on climbing your mountain.

Celebrate with those in your life when they get to a new view on their mountain.

Here are a few mountain views you should always celebrate with others:

--Graduated from school

--Landed that job

--Celebrated another anniversary

--Had a baby

--Started a small business

--Wrote a new song

--Lost some weight

--Just retired

--Colored a picture

--Tied their shoes

--Got good news from the doctor

No matter your age, or where you are on your mountain, these views are worth enjoying and celebrating with others.

Much love,


Kyle LoweryComment