Joy in the Journey

Where is your joy?

Spell the word “Journey” out on a piece of paper.

Go ahead, I'll be here after you do it.

Now, focus on these 3 letters: J-O-Y

Remember, there is joy in the journey.

J O u r n e Y

Too often we can find ourselves so focused on the finish line that we

fail to take in every mile. Sometimes we are so fixated on the summit, that we never pause to enjoy the countless views along the way.

Joy is a tricky thing for the world.

It’s not happiness, because being happy changes with circumstances and life can be up and down to say the least.

Joy, by contrast, is a state that is constant.

I have found in the jungle of our life, the exotic plant of joy grows best in the soil of gratitude.

And when that plant of joy has direct sunlight from an eternal perspective shining on it, it grows strong and steadily.

If you walk through life shortsighted, it will be a struggle.

If you focus only on what you’re feeling or currently experiencing, then joy is going to be choked out.

But, if you can echo what Paul said from a jail cell, you will be able to find joy, in any part of your J O u r n e Y.

Verses to digest:

“I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.”

Philippians 4:11

“That in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded in the riches of their liberality”

2 Corinthians 8:2

Your next steps:

Fight for your joy today. Try this exercise, I'll explain.

From time to time, I write out a list of specific things I’m grateful for and I read them aloud each morning.

It sets my day up with a perspective framed by gratitude.

So anything you face today, you will filter it through that framework.

If traffic is stressful going to work?

Well, you already thanked God this morning for your car and your job. That will make it difficult to go backward on that and give into road rage.

Are you and your spouse having a disagreement?

Well, you already thanked God for him or her and your family. Because of this, you will be more likely to work through the dispute with grace in your heart. You'll move with understanding and not an approach of entitlement.

When I start off my morning reading over my gratitude journal out loud, my day goes better. On those days, my joy is vibrant and grows more compared to the days I don't.

Plant your joy in the soil of gratitude.

Keep it in the sunlight of an eternal perspective, and you will see how it flourishes.

No matter where your journey takes you, count it all joy.

All love,


Kyle LoweryComment